Ashley Sheffer Church Planting Assistant Update January 2019

Thanking the Lord from Germany!

Thank you for all the prayers during my travels!


I arrived in Germany on Saturday after around 21 hours of travel, and proceeded to attempt to stay awake for the remainder of my day!  Directly from the airport I was taken to a small party prepared by the teen group that I worked with during my last time in Germany!  They made a large banner and had flowers to welcome me:) We all went to Burger King for an early dinner and it was fun to reconnect with them!

My German is by no means perfect, but it is coming back to me and I feel so much further along than the first time I came.  I spent the week settling into my apartment, waiting on luggage, and getting legal documents in order. I also visited two of the kids' clubs. It was SO fun to see them. When they realized I was back, we jumped right back in as if I had never left! 

Missing Luggage

Thank you to everyone who prayed for my luggage to be returned. I miraculously caught a flight I should have missed due to delays, but my luggage did not. I waited from Saturday until Tuesday for it to make it to Germany. Thank you, Lord!

New Office!
It‘s exciting to be in the new building - which includes my own office.  My name is on the door with office hours which makes it feel very official.  

Prayer Requests
That all of my legal documents can be finished without any issues arising.
That I can quickly settle into the work and communicate well.

Ray Brandon