Unit 16 Session 4 - Daniel's Dream


Daniel 7 is considered one of the most important chapters in the Old Testament. This chapter and the chapters that follow describe a series of visions and prophecies about the future of God’s people. This message gave hope to God’s people in captivity.

Today’s Bible story takes place in the first year of King Belshazzar’s reign. (Dan. 7:1) Belshazzar was the son of King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel encountered Belshazzar in chapter 5. Daniel was about 82 years old when he was thrown into the lions’ den; chapter 7 rewinds the clock to tell of a dream Daniel had when he was about 67.

In a vision parallel to Daniel 2, Daniel saw four beasts. Each beast represented an earthly kingdom. The first creature was like a lion but had an eagle’s wings. This creature represented the kingdom of Babylon. The second creature was like a bear, and it had ribs in its mouth. This creature represented the kingdom of the Medes and Persians. The third creature was like a leopard with four wings on its back and four heads. This creature represented the kingdom of Greece. Finally, the fourth creature was strong and destructive. It had 10 horns, and this creature represented the kingdom of Rome..

Then Daniel saw God—the Ancient of Days—sitting on His throne. Daniel watched as God killed the fourth creature and took away the power of the others. As complicated as it may be, Daniel’s vision reveals an ultimate reality: “These huge beasts … are four kings who will arise from the earth. But the holy ones of the Most High will receive the kingdom and possess it forever” (Dan. 7:17-18).

Emphasize to your kids that they will see all sorts of rulers and powers and authorities in the world, but the Bible is clear: God is ruling over them all. The kingdoms of the earth will last for a short time, and the kingdom of Jesus will come and last forever.

Jesus is King over all things. God allows people to rule for a short time, but one day Jesus will return and set up His perfect kingdom. Everyone who trusts in Jesus will be welcomed into His kingdom, and His kingdom will last forever.


  • Babies and Toddlers

    • We can talk to God.

    • Jesus will come back as our King forever.

    • God showed Daniel in a dream what would happen.

    • Daniel saw God on His throne.

    • Jesus is God’s Son and will rule forever.

  • Preschool

    • Why do we pray? We pray because we trust God, and we know He hears us.

    • God showed Daniel that God’s Son will rule forever.

  • Kids

    • Why do we pray? We pray because we trust God, and we know He hears us.

    • God is the eternal King who judges the nations.

Cody CollmenterUnit 16